If you don’t see the date and time you are looking for please contact us at 781-896-2407
In the event that you need to cancel your appointment, please be sure to give a minimum of 24 hour notice. Any appointment canceled with less than 24 hour notice will be subject to 50% of all services scheduled. If you are a no call/no show of your scheduled appointment you will be subject to 100% of all scheduled services.
Samantha Fernandes
Sam is the owner here at Up in the Hair. Specializing in lived in hair color, hair extensions, blondes and blowouts. With 15 years as a hairstylist I am confident to take on just about any challenge that comes my way. Sam’s hours Monday 12pm-8pm Friday 9am-3pm Saturday 8am-4pm
Caitlin Baker
Caitlin has been a hairstylist for 16 years. Caitlin is an all around talented stylist whose passion is in blondes, bridal styling and lived in hair. Caitlin is also incredibly funny and talented on social. Check her out! Caitlins hours Tuesday 9am-6pm Wednesday 9am-6pm Thursday 9am-6pm
Brianna Carvello
Brianna started her hair journey in 2020 and has since worked her way up to a stylist. She is accepting new clients and specializes in foiling/blondes and is ready to take care of all of your hair needs Brianna is here! Mondays 11:30-4:30 Thursdays 10-3 Friday 10-3 Saturday 9-2